Instagram Projects



Self Portraiture, Travel, and Minimalistic Architecture. My first and most loved baby is also the hardest to manage. You see, when you attach your identity to something it’s difficult to put it out there because you’re being vulnerable. With my other accounts (talk the shot and the outtake) I could care less about what people think but this one…this one is about me and the others aren’t.

I’m still working on finding my identity as an artist and saritaxsmiles has been a reflection of that. It’s hard to put everything that is contained inside you into a small square.

I shot portraits of others a long time ago and decided to take a break. I was good at it but I felt as though I was pressured to follow certain rules. That I was required to send the photos to the model, required to post them, required to make money out of it, required to make them look beautiful…at least in Miami.

I escaped to Europe and have occasionally shot portraits for fun in my travels. Maybe I will pursue it again in the future but for now I am posting and enjoying shooting myself as well as beautiful architectural spaces I find.